
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Visual Accounability

Here's something I decided to render up ^-^ ~! It's all the stuff I ate today. Total calorie consumption for today is 340. So I am definitely keeping on track Yesterday was my 600 hundred calorie day and I came in at 490. Today is the 400 hundred calorie day.

I am trying to bank my calories so that I can use them during the special events like valentines and another outings I might have this month. If today goes well, then by the end of the night I should have saved up about 430 calories. Those that are not in the loop, I’m doing a February challenge as part of the forum I frequent, where I try to consume a total of 14,000 calories for the month (about a 500/ day average).

Aaaaaand on that note, I’m out.

V Peace


Monday, February 3, 2014

February Challenge

So time for another update. I had to be away from the computer for a little while to get into the routine of classes starting again. Stressful time for me and I ended up binging for about a week. -___- Went up to 144 pounds but that's still 8 pounds less than where I started so I'll just keep pushing forward.

In other news, I have started a "February Challenge" through one of the forums I frequent. No the idea was not mine, but it is a collaborative participation dieting. The idea is that for the month of February you are allotted 14,000 calories. You can eat them at any rate but not go over that. In addition, everyone's weight and weekly consumption is being tracked. So far I am doing good. I created a calorie schedule for myself which allows me to have both eating and fasting days and the best part is that the schedule allows for a 400 calorie binge in case I have one. </Maths>  But here is what it looks like:

Day: Calories
1: 1000      5: 200        09: 600        13: 600        17: 200        21: 1000      25: 200
2: 800        6: 000        10: 800        14: 400        18: 400        22: 800        26; 0
3: 600        7: 200        11: 1000      15: 200        19: 600        23: 600        27: 200
4: 400        8: 400        12: 800        16: 000        20: 800        24: 400        28: 400

In addition to that, I am back on my 36 hour intermittent fasting since it worked so well for me the first time. The idea is that instead of a 24hr day I count every 36 hours as being a whole day out of which 12 I am allowed to eat, and 24 are liquid fasts. That said, I over lapped it with the schedule above so on my eating times I can consume the amount of calories that I have listed for the day. If I have any remaining calories I did not consume from previous day, I can either chose to use them or save them for later in case of a binge. So this is what it will look like:

Feb-3 12 am until Feb-4 12 am => Fasting 
Feb-4 12 am until Feb-4 12 pm => Eating: allowed calories, 400, but I can use some of the 600 calories from the previous day if I want to. 
Feb-4 12 pm until Feb-5 12 pm => Fasting 
Feb-5 12 pm until Feb-6 12 am => Eating: allowed 200 calories but I can use some of the unused calories from previous day 
... And so on.

This does 2 things:
 1) makes me not focus on food during fasting days and feel comfortable with the though that soon I will be eating anyways. 
2) When I do eat, I can have all my calories at once and then go to sleep since the window of opportunity is so small. This also helps curve binges since I will be eating a regular sized meal. ....oh and extra, if I do binge, I have a calorie bank.

So on that note, I push forward! Woot!

V Peace

PS: Here is an article that pisses me off its about social media sites attempting to ban #thinspo & #Fitspo pictures. Such nonsense!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Water Fast Day 4

Well, I almost survived it. I was fairly well for most of the day but very sluggish (expected in ketosis). The rash on my diaphragm is still there, but I woke up weighing a nice 136.8 pounds and was looking forward to tomorrows weigh in, but lo and behold, at 8 pm I started getting really bad chest pains and persistent fainting (even when I was laying on the couch). Clearly my body was not having it, and upon further research I discovered that this is exactly what low potassium symptoms are like; especially on a fast. So I decided to quit for now. I will attempt again later and see if I can push it an extra day or two, and if now, I will resort to intermittent fasting on a 36 hour schedule (24 hour fast with 12 hour eating cycles in between). When I broke my fast I had some brown rice with cooked spinach (iron and potassium) and heavily diluted cranberry juice (for the kidneys) which I took in intervals. The total amount I consumed was less than a 1/2 of my regular sized meal, but for breaking the fast it is fine. I am definitely experiencing a boost in energy right now and no more chest pains!! WOO HOO!! (they lasted about an hour)

tomorrow I am going to try to sustain on mostly liquids, but nutritionally dense liquids. On a side note, I'm half way down my weight loss goal all in under one month!! :D

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Monday, January 20, 2014

Water Fast day 1 - 3

Woo I survived two full days of water fasting and in into my third day! So here are the days’ brief descriptions:

Day 0: I was on a liquid diet, but I still drank things not related to my water fast. I had that day broths, teas, a cup of coffee (with all the trimmings :P), some matcha  late <3 (I love my matcha), and some soups. This made my starting weight for my water fast at 144.8 pounds. Not bad, considering 3 weeks ago I was at around 150 – 152. Really no symptoms took place on that day, and my boyfriend and I even went for a 2 hour walk along the ocean at night. All in all, an easy day.

Day 1: As I said earlier, my starting weight for this day was at 144.8 pounds. The day was easy for my but that 19 hours into my fast I got hit with severe hunger. There were pangs, there was gas, and I felt like I was about to transform into a werewolf or something. I began feeling like I was losing self-control and was about to go binge on something. But you know what? I toughed it out! I went into my computer room, put on my favorite computer game which I haven’t played in a while (sims2) and just indulged myself with it. Other than that I didn’t do anything on that day. Just laid around on the couch watching tv (I can’t believe how many documentaries I saw that day!), and also spent time reading. My foof kept me company all day :3. Here’s a picture of her:

On a side note, when I went to sleep my mind flooded with images of all the food I want to eat. I was really weird. Instead of trying to suppress it, my boyfriend and I just started chatting on all the food that sounded good to us, until I ran out of idea and my mind went blank. I knew I wasn't going to run to the fridge then, so I indulged my brain, and then fell asleep.

Day 2: It was tough but a little easier than the 19 hour mark of day one. By this day I woke up weighing 141.8 pounds. That’s 3 pounds lost in 1 day. Awesome! (Even though I know its water weight). The hunger pains on this day were less severe, but I had almost no energy. It took serious will power to climb out of bed. It was already noon (don’t judge!) so I knew I have to climb out, even though it was a Sunday. Eventually I go up, only to get dressed and slump on the living room couch for the next couple of ours while sipping away at the endless supply of water. No, actually, at around 2 pm I got sick of the water taste and went out to get some lemons along with food for my pets. I usually put a slice of lemon in my water as it seems to be the only thing that helps me battle dry mouth which I hate. I still get it with lemon but not as severe to a point where my lips bleed.

At the end of the day I managed to knock out 5 loads of laundry (and that means running up and down the stairs from the 3rd floor to the basement of my building with heavy Ikea bags filled with laundry. Did that with no problems. Asked my bf to pick up the last load simply because I got lady. On the plus side, he’s been very supportive of me attempting this fast even though he is against the notion of not eating. He started eating his food away from my sight which makes things for me so much easier. He even gives me a heads up if he’s cooking so that I can have a chance to escape to our computer room and not smell the food.
End of the day I went to sleep with no problems. However, I noticed I slept much lighter and was prone to waking up with any disturbance. Other symptoms during the day included slight nausea that went away as quickly as it had come, and headaches.

Day 3: Woke up and got out of bed much easier than yesterday and went straight for the shower. My hair was supper oily and skin began looking like I was about to peel worse than a lizard. Ew.  The shower is where my problems started. First look in the mirror before I hopped in and I noticed a HUGE red rash the shape of an inverted South America right bellow my chest, where my diaphragm is. It goes from there and is about 4 inches in length. Looks like an eczema patch, even though I don’t have eczema. After seeing that I went into the shower which first felt good, but then I started seeing auras – not good. This is usually my warning sign that I am about to faint. A sign I’m too familiar with because of the fainting spells I get in high heat, or high pressure, or low pressure environments. No doctor has been able to explain this fainting “condition” to me yet, but it seems to completely go away when I drop below 130 pounds, which tells me, that’s when my body feels healthy. More reason to press on. Anyway, once I got the auras, I lowered the heat of my shower (I bathe in hell waters) and has to sit down on my knees to ensure I don’t faint, and if I do it won’t be in dangerous circumstance. From experience, I know that when I faint, it lasts 3 minutes and then I wake up in cold sweats. None of that happened. I felt better, finished my shower, got up and got out. My body, however, doesn’t seem to think it’s done fighting. A few hours later I developed another rash/boil (not sure at this point) that is extremely itchy and my face is being crept on by little red dots. The same dots I get if I take any NSAID or inorganic, hormone infested meat (goat in particular). Also I have random bout of diarrhea that is expelling something spicy I ate. (I know tmi, but might help if you plan on doing this) The last spicy thing I ate was about a month ago which included green homemade salsa. Overall, these symptoms make me think that my body has transferred into ketosis since these are classic signs of fat metabolization and detox. I will check for ketones tonight and update accordingly. And now I’m off to get my stylus!! Woo (lost mine a month ago and haven’t been able to do any of my usual art since then :/)

SW: 144 // CW: 140.8 

Update: Yup, my suspicions were correct. I am in full ketosis, and much faster than I expected at that! Aaaaaaand I have my stylus so I totally got back to drawing today :) aight, till next time.

V Peace

Friday, January 17, 2014

Itty Bitty of an Update Does a Journal Make:

I did excellent in getting back on track yesterday - held off from just water and instead refocused on general liquids. The damage from the 2-day-ago-pasta was bloat and some weight gain that amounted to an extra 4 pounds (this includes the bloat from my soon to be here red call of nature), but that didn’t really deter me, or worry me that much.  Today I was already down to 144 (that’s -2lbs net) and if I continue on my liquid transition, that will be another 2 pounds off I am expecting by tomorrow. Today I am more cautious with my liquid intake and, again, cut out sugar. The same I did on my first transition. This slow approach seems to work on me more than anything so in about 2 days’ time I should be back on water only, except this time I am not doing the intermittent thing.

As far as symptoms are concerned, I thankfully no longer have to put up with the sore throat and flu like symptom (something I get every time I try to fast), nor am I hacking up phlegm of every shape and color. BUT, I am getting back to the dreaded coated tongue and dry mouth aaaaaaaaaaaaaand stinky sweat (ew).  So far it has been relatively easy and hopefully will stay that way.

On that note:

V Peace


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Long time, but here's to a revamp. Water Fasting for New Year update

The best New Year’s resolutions are the ones that start with a rocky dive, a couple of fuck ups, and some blood stained skid mark. Good. Get all the messing up and learning out of the way early. And so, going right into my second week of intermittent (sp?) fasting, I messed up. Opps and Oh well; moving on.

Being how I Love to cook, I decided to prepare my boyfriend a home cooked meal since really, I have not done so in a while. (He’s clearly been missing it since I started, though he’s trying to not let it show). I went to the store and bought some garlic, spinach, butter, spices, turkey, a bunch of cheeses, and some other stuff, and made nice Alfredo meat pasta for him with all the goodies. Needless to say, I had some too  (there’s that “oops”). Tomorrow, I dust myself off and continue pushing forward.

Over all my fasting schedule has been pushed back as clearly I need to scale back and go to taking broths instead of just water. The good news is when I woke up earlier and weighed myself – I lost 8 pounds. Two more to go and I’m in the 130’s. Of course I’m not going to let those two measly pounds kick my ass (after that pasta though, it’s probably more like 4).

I am not seeing the weight loss YET but I also know that I don’t really see it until I hit the bottom rang of the 130’s. At 126 I still look like I have a pudge to lose, but I do fit into small clothes at that weight. Ultimately I would like to go down to 120’s BUT if I can take it further down, I will be really glad.  On that note, I’m rolling over and going to look forward to tomorrow. If I successfully complete a broth day tomorrow and don’t feel any problems the day after, then I will begin making my descent into the full-fledged water fasting category thereafter.

V Peace.


HW: 155 lbs // LW: 125 lbs // CW: 142 lbs // GW: 120 lbs // UGW: 115 lbs