
Monday, February 3, 2014

February Challenge

So time for another update. I had to be away from the computer for a little while to get into the routine of classes starting again. Stressful time for me and I ended up binging for about a week. -___- Went up to 144 pounds but that's still 8 pounds less than where I started so I'll just keep pushing forward.

In other news, I have started a "February Challenge" through one of the forums I frequent. No the idea was not mine, but it is a collaborative participation dieting. The idea is that for the month of February you are allotted 14,000 calories. You can eat them at any rate but not go over that. In addition, everyone's weight and weekly consumption is being tracked. So far I am doing good. I created a calorie schedule for myself which allows me to have both eating and fasting days and the best part is that the schedule allows for a 400 calorie binge in case I have one. </Maths>  But here is what it looks like:

Day: Calories
1: 1000      5: 200        09: 600        13: 600        17: 200        21: 1000      25: 200
2: 800        6: 000        10: 800        14: 400        18: 400        22: 800        26; 0
3: 600        7: 200        11: 1000      15: 200        19: 600        23: 600        27: 200
4: 400        8: 400        12: 800        16: 000        20: 800        24: 400        28: 400

In addition to that, I am back on my 36 hour intermittent fasting since it worked so well for me the first time. The idea is that instead of a 24hr day I count every 36 hours as being a whole day out of which 12 I am allowed to eat, and 24 are liquid fasts. That said, I over lapped it with the schedule above so on my eating times I can consume the amount of calories that I have listed for the day. If I have any remaining calories I did not consume from previous day, I can either chose to use them or save them for later in case of a binge. So this is what it will look like:

Feb-3 12 am until Feb-4 12 am => Fasting 
Feb-4 12 am until Feb-4 12 pm => Eating: allowed calories, 400, but I can use some of the 600 calories from the previous day if I want to. 
Feb-4 12 pm until Feb-5 12 pm => Fasting 
Feb-5 12 pm until Feb-6 12 am => Eating: allowed 200 calories but I can use some of the unused calories from previous day 
... And so on.

This does 2 things:
 1) makes me not focus on food during fasting days and feel comfortable with the though that soon I will be eating anyways. 
2) When I do eat, I can have all my calories at once and then go to sleep since the window of opportunity is so small. This also helps curve binges since I will be eating a regular sized meal. ....oh and extra, if I do binge, I have a calorie bank.

So on that note, I push forward! Woot!

V Peace

PS: Here is an article that pisses me off its about social media sites attempting to ban #thinspo & #Fitspo pictures. Such nonsense!

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