
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A 9/11 Valentines Exam

Had an incredibly busy day today, which really is good. It kept me focused and away from the fridge. If for the past 2 days I’ve been stuck home cramming, today I got out and finally had my state licensing exam!! Woo-hoo!!! Pretty soon I’ll be able to sell and promote sales of houses. I just have a school exam left and need to sign on with a broker, which is easy considering I have brokers throwing really good offers at me already. But seriously, it’s amazing I even made it there today. Everything that could possibly go wrong did so… Bleh. But after the exam I took the liberty of meeting up with a friend and going for a really nice stroll on Wall Street. We even managed to get into the 9/11 memorial for free and without and reservations. Considering that there are usually crazy lines, I say it was a sweet deal. We even had individuals (*ahem* Men) offering us free behind the scenes tours of all the forbidden places, but we are way too well behaved for that :) lol.

Now all that’s left for today (probably leaving it for tomorrow cause I'm tired) is me cleaning the tornado like wreckage mess in my room from the days I forlorned it for studying. Not like I’m going out today anywhere anyway :[ My BF working rotating nightshifts is REALLY taking its toll on holidays. Blah.blah.blah.bitch.bitch.bitch I want some flowers NOW!!! *WAAAAAAH* oh well I guess I’ll have to wait for them for our weekend…whenever that will happen.

In other worldly news, I managed to keep my calorie intake fairly low yesterday considering I’m back to weaning myself off food. Proof is as you see it. Instead of my usual caloric intake I managed to cut 500 calories right away and keep a fairly low count by comparison. So far today I’m even lower, but I’m not saying any numbers yet because I still have time to screw up. Attempting to control my binges is really tough right now considering there is really unhealthy food in my fridge now and my mind is getting the best of me. Do I physically need to eat a whole tub of cream cheese? No, but dammit it’s tempting :( I’m not even hungry!! As much as I try to figure out why I go through these psychological binges, I really cannot see the reason.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Weightloss Reload

Eh it’s that time again ….. *drum roll* …….(>^_^)> WEIGHTLOSS TIME!!

After my exceptionally long time away due to various reasons (travel, funerals, more travel) I have gained some weight. Thankfully not as much as I used to weigh which was 150lb, but still not a weight at which I would like to remain. So here forth and beyond I am making a declaration to lose that which I have gained AT LEAST and hence forth continue to lose more to attain that which I desire.

I might add that this includes getting it done anyway that I can. 
(The means justify the ends after all ney? >:P)

So to recap tactics which have been successful for me:

  • Increased caffeine intake: increases metabolism, plus hot drinks create the illusion of fullness
  • Reduced calorie consumption between 500-900 calories per day: creates significant caloric deficit to lose weight faster and keep myself motivated.
  • Ingredient substitutions: find the lowest calorie brand available for any processed ingredients. Allows for greater quantity in consumption while still maintaining deficit limit.
  • Adding supplements: increases metabolism even more plus has appetite suppressants, energy boosters and other helpful ingredients
  • Drink like a fish: Helps minimize any potential damage from supplements and caffeine to kidneys and liver.
  • Staying as far away from the fridge as possible and keeping occupied: I have uncontrollable binges even when not dieting…purely on a psychological level ie: eating when bored, needing to finish “that last piece”, binging on specialty foods..ew.

  • Biking: unfortunately limited by weather and seasons but burns a LOT of calories per hour especially with all the coast line wind resistance….AND unlike the gym, the body doesn’t get used to this exercise as much because of constant terrain and resistances unpredictability
Unsuccessful tactics:
  • Daily gym routines: I seem to hit a plateau way to fast
  • 1200< calorie diet: never worked for me
  • Home workout videos: too many distractions when I’m NOT lazy and way too close to the fridge
  • Group work outs: too many distractions, especially when that one super skinny athletic friend always wants to eat after working out!!!! :O