
Thursday, May 26, 2011

HCG Diet

*sigh* here goes again. :(  Blogspot decided to reload itself the minute I was to hit enter and now...RETYPE!!! YAY!!

Anyway, sorry for my long break. I had a slew of computer problems mixed with my inability to log into this account (??? still don't know why???)

So I went on yahoo last night and this news article caught my attention. It is about the rising popularity of the HCG diet. For those not in the know, HCG better known as Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is hormone produced by pregnant women that supports the production of progesterone which in turn allows for the fetus to safely reside within the uterus.  The HCG diet claims that this hormone also abets in the process of weight loss because it stimulates the fat cells and makes them volatile for your body to use which in turn induces rapid fat loss. In addition to taking this hormone, individuals must also adhere to a low 500 calorie diet which excludes all sugars and simple carbohydrates, and is very low in fat.

Going back to this article, it claims that this diet is *extremely dangerous* and unsuccessful. It cites the FDA and the American Medical Association for support claiming that this is voodoo snake oil and nothing more.  Of course the commentary is polluted by a significant number of yahoo users, who all of a sudden are all experts in this, supporting this claim and degrading people on this diet. According to these claims, the diet is dangerous because it requires the person to sustain them self on a diet of only 500 calories. In addition, the bad rep comes in with the fact that this is a hormone which is being used off label and can potentially cause side effects including but not limited to, blood clots (which can cause death).

On the other hand, you have a significant growing number of this diet users who claim this diet is EXTREMELY effective and well worth it. The weight loss was reported to be as much as 2 pounds per day in some cases. In addition, they claim the hormone blocks hunger, which makes it significantly easier on the dieter.  So it got me thinking, is this diet really something of a miracle OR is it, as the FDA claims, snake oil. I then did my research, and something smells fishy.....REALLY FISHY.

First, the claim that the AMA and the FDA put out, that this is snake oil, appears to be based on very biased studies. The studies quoted did not adhere to the full diet protocol, which significantly impairs the result. The diet explicitly states that one must NOT consume certain product. This has to do with limiting sugars in your blood stream which affects your insulin and cortisone levels. These two hormones are the make it or break it of dieting, especially for those with obese tendencies like higher risk of diabetes, genetics and thyroid problems. In some cases the diet allows for a higher calorie intake depending on individual needs. The studies which the two agencies relied on, however, DID NOT adhere to these rules.  Individuals did not limit their consumption of milk, sugars, carbohydrates or anything else with an '-ose' ending.  In addition, the calorie consumption for these studies was significantly higher than even the highest allowed calorie consumption on the HCG det.  

Second point I want to make is concerning the whopping amount of claims that hormones should not be used off label because they are dangerous. So my question stands, where are these same people on the use of birth control pills and shots which are often used off lable for PCOS patients, acne treatment in teens, treatment of PMS symptoms, regulating menstrual cycles, and eliminating menstrual cycles all together?   Ignoring the fact that these birth control methods have significantly more dangerous and long lasting side effects (on which I will get into later), seems to me, there is nothing wrong in the medical profession to inject young girls and women with hormones for reasons such hormones were not intended for. Of course it is important to note physician involvement, but then, HCG diet also involves a supervising physician.

Finally, I wanted to check out these "extremely harmful" side effects myself.  Here is a comparison of HCG side effects next to popular, non-proscribed over the counter diet supplements, and also birth control pills:

HCG injected (women - listed from most common to least common): pain at the injection site, tenderness in the lower abdomen, bloating and fluid retention, headache, irritability, breast discomfort, fatigue, multiple births (non diet related), severe pain or swelling in the lower abdomen, ovarian hyperstimulation, rupture of existing ovarian cysts, arterial thromboembolism, fluid retention (which must be monitored carefully in patients with cardiac or renal disease), migraines, rare cases of epilepsy and asthma.

HCG injected (men):  pain at the injection site, enlarged prostate, breast growth or enlargement, breast discomfort, tenderness in the lower abdomen, bloating and fluid retention, headache, irritability, fatigue, severe pain or swelling in the lower abdomen, fluid retention which must be monitored carefully in patients with cardiac or renal disease, migraines, rare cases of epilepsy and asthma.

HCG oral (men and women):  bloating and fluid retention, headache, irritability, fatigue, tenderness in the lower abdomen.

Hydroxycut:  increased blood pressure, nose bleeds, blurred vision, acne outbreak, restlessness & hyperactivity, loss of appetite, headaches, lightheadedness, dizziness, insomnia, nausea and upset stomach, seizures, cardiovascular problems, (increased heart rate, irregular heartbeats, heart attacks), liver damage (significant number of patients requiring a liver transplant), rhabdomyolysis, permanent kidney damage.

**Hydroxycut has a history of being recalled due to the pervasiveness of some of the more extreme side effects.

Birth control pills: nausea, headache, breast tenderness, weight gain 9increase in water retention and lipid profiles), irregular bleeding, depression, irregular vaginal discharges, decreased calcium retention in kidneys leading to bone loss and osteoporosis, increased susceptibility to infections, decreased libido, Hair and follicular changes, increased blood pressure, blood clots, heart attack, and stroke.  Not recommended for women who smoke as it significantly raises the changes of heart problems and strokes.

So the FDA seems to be worried about some blood clots and PMS like symptoms of a physician monitored hormone rather than the extremely dangerous over-the-counter weight loss supplements available to even teens? I smell lobbyists!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Mr. Michio Kaku

So lately I've been reading a book that came out not too long ago by Michio Kaku: "Physics of the Future." Really interesting read for anyone remotely interested in physics, si-fi or anything in between. It has a lot of discussion about technology that is currently being developed and the future potential of its application. But to get to the point, in one of the section that talks about the science of genetics (specifically the science of aging), Mr. Kaku points out a realization that has been made by the scientists in the field. I think it would be better to quote than try to explain, so here goes:

"Caloric Restriction:
This theory may also explain the strange fact that caloric restriction (that is, lowering the calories we eat by 30 percent or more) increases the life span by 30 percent. Every organism studied so far - from yeast cells, spiders and insects to rabbits, dogs and now monkeys - exhibits this strange phenomenon. Animals given this restricted diet have fewer tumors, less heart disease, a lower incidence of diabetes, and fewer diseases related to aging. In fact, caloric restriction is the ONLY known mechanism guaranteed to increase the life span that has been tested repeatedly, over almost the entire animal kingdom, and it works everytime. Until recently, the only major species that still elluded reaserchers of caloric restriction were primates, of which humans are a member, because they live so long.

Scientists were especially anxious to see the results of caloric restriction on rhesus monkeys. Finally, in 2009 the long-awaited results came in. The University of Wisconsin study showed that, after 20 years of caloric restriction, monkeys on the restricted diet suffered less diseas accros the board:less diabetes, cancer, heart disease. In general, these monkeys were in better health than their cousins who were fed a normal diet."

Pretty interesting if you consider that he is not talking about caloric restriction from a diet consistant with overeating. He seems to imply that the caloric restriction needs to come from an already healthy diet as nature intended.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Stirfry Konnyaku Deliciousness under 200

Today I visited the Asian supermarket that is in my neighborhood to see if I could find some Shirataki noodles. Nope no such luck. Closest I found were the Konnyaku Noodles.....will do for now anyways. I guess my knack for cooking and improvisation really helped. I totaly managed to get a low cal recipe (under 191 calories for the whole, very large meal YAY!) I will see if I can optimize it. Tweek some fetures here and there to get the most from it nutritionally and then post it. Oh, by the way here are the two new products I tried and fell in love with today:

Very bland taste by itself. Very tough to chew, reminds me of the old bottlecap plastic (the stuff you'd find on the inside and chew as a kid). However, once paired with other things becomes an amazing treat. This is something that you can't eat just by itself (though tempting just from how low the calories are...100 for the whole pack!!!)

This one has a very interesting flavor. Though it claims to be oyster sauce, it tastes nothing like it. Has a kind of a pickled ginger hint to it. Low cal (only 25 for 2 tablespoons which are more than enough for a pot of anything. Oh and when you cook with it, there is no need to add any salt. Overall, very flavorfull.

Expect a recipe using these 2 ingredients in the next few days. As I said it will be under 200 calories..and I will try to cut some more out.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Yup. I finally got around to doing it. Starting a blog. Who knew that this is one of the few more stationary things in a fast paced environment that I had come to rely on. Since this is new I guess I will fill in on what I hope to accomplish with this.  First, I want this blog to be of help to those trying to get skinny, who are skinny or those who want to be skinny any way they can. I will try to feature some low cal recipes that are helping me firsthand to achieve the same. Second I want to feature a collection of helpful articles and ideas and any methods that my help me and other to stay motivated on the skinny track.

To those on the outside, please listen to your body first before following any regiments I post. If it doesn't feel right for you, then don't follow it because, after all, YOU get the only say to what happens to your body.

Finally a discretionary note to those who don't agree. We had already herd all your arguments about diet and weight loss, seen all the commercials and the horror stories and know what works and what doesn't. At the end of the day, instead of judging and b*tching at those trying to get to their goal, go out and find a more productive hobby. Thank you. :)

And so it begins...